From Grey Wolves to Grey Squirrels
Get hands-on with museum objects in a free, family-friendly guided tour of the natural history collection at the Ulster Museum.
Explore the history of the island of Ireland through its landscape and wildlife as part of NI Science Festival. Find out how humans have shaped and been shaped by the environment across Irish history with opportunities to get hands-on with some specimens from the Ulster Museum’s handling collection.
Learn the story of the island of Ireland through the animals and plants that live here - from bears and cranes, to pine trees and grey squirrels. The tour will also focus on the colonisation, migrations and shifting land use that shaped the Irish landscape.

Upcoming events at Ulster Museum
From Grey Wolves to Grey Squirrels
Get hands-on with museum objects in a free, family-friendly guided tour of the natural history collection at the…
See BEUYS 50 Years Later: Action, Society, Performance and Change at Ulster Museum.
Dodos Are Not Extinct with Paddy Donnelly
Dodos are extinct, right? WRONG! They’re not! They’re just in disguise, and they’re not the only ones.
Caddisflies – Sculptors of the Stream Bed
This talk introduces you to some of the amazing members of this insect group, showing some of the…