Northern Ireland’s Hidden Depths – A Journey into our Underwater World
The Marine Biodiversity Data Portal – NI is a five-year DAERA Environment Fund project based at Queen’s University Marine Laboratory (QML).
The project runs from 2023-2028 and is capturing everything from pioneering underwater photography from the 1970s right up to present-day high-resolution photography and video.
Join the team from QML for a virtual dive showcasing high-resolution 4K video of some of Northern Ireland’s unique underwater habitats and incredible wealth of marine life. The event will feature underwater video from our offshore islands, including Rathlin Island, The Maidens and The Copelands, as well as the inshore waters around Strangford Lough. Discover what is special about Northern Ireland’s marine life and why ongoing efforts to protect these habitats for future generations are so important
Age 11+.

About The Host
Northern Ireland Science Festival
- The Crescents Arts
- 2-4 University Road
- Belfast
- Antrim
- BT7 1NH

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