What goes on in the heads of voters?
Understanding the voter’s mind is crucial to understanding what actually happens at elections and the nature of democratic choice. They ask: How important are party leaders? Is voting really driven by important policy issues? If voters don’t like either the leaders or policies on offer, do they even bother to vote?
Their expert panel will examine voters in Northern Ireland, but do so within a broader international context, drawing also on discussion of the recent electoral experience in Germany.
Prof John Garry, QUB: John Garry is Professor of Political Behaviour at Queen’s University Belfast and leads The Democracy Unit, a research centre established in 2019 focusing on the study of democratic theory, institutions and behaviour. His research interests focus on electoral and deliberative democracy. He is the author of many articles in leading political science journals and his most recent book ‘Consociation and Voting in Northern Ireland’ was published by University of Pennsylvania Press. Professor Garry has been Principal Investigator on several Economic and Social Research Council grants, including a major study of the 2016 Northern Ireland Assembly Election and also a major study of how deliberative democracy in Northern Ireland on the topic of ‘Brexit and the border’.
Dr Jamie Pow, QUB: Dr Pow’s research focuses on the way citizens interact with democratic decision-making, including through elections, mini-publics and referendums. He has investigated the potential for citizens’ assemblies to help address democratic deficits in deeply divided contexts. His current research explores the attitudes of participants and non-participants to democratic innovations, including both deliberative and participatory processes. Other recent projects have explored public opinion towards Brexit. Dr Pow served on the advisory group of the Citizens’ Assembly for Northern Ireland.
Dr Sarah Wagner, QUB: Dr Sarah Wagner is interested in political parties and their strategies – in particular in regard to their policy positions. She researches this in the context of radical left parties and shows that their position on cultural (non-economic) positions can substantially influence their success at the ballot box.

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